LENA UNTIDT Sculptures

International exhibitions


2022   ArAnimA , Espace Rex, Bay du Pouligen-La Baule.
2021   ArAnimA , La Galerie Thuillier, Paris
2017   Segnalati' Berlin. Germany
2017   Haras National de Saint-Lô, France
2017   The International Award Caravaggio Experience, Rome Italy
2017   International Biennale Barcelona, Spain
2017   GMAC, la Bastille, Paris. France
2017   Caserma dell'Artiglieria' og Peschiera del Garda. Italy
2017   International Biennale of the Mediterrarean Sea, Palermo, Italy
2017   International Prize Galilro Galilei. Congress Palace, Pisa, Italy
2016   Les Bô Diables: 'Salon du Petit Format. Haras national de Saintes. France
2016   Open Art Milano. Gallery ARTPASSAGE, Milano, Italy

2016   Contemporaries at UFFIZI, Italy.
2016   Gran Prix LOUVRE video Esposition,  Paris, France.
2016   Tropheé Carrare, Haras National de Saint-Lô. Normandy, France
2016   ARTS & HARAS 2016: National Stud at Saint Lô , Normandy. France.
2016   GMAC, Bastille, Paris2016 april, Les Bö Diables, Haras national de Saint Lô , France
2015   ArAnimA exposition: Galerie Thuillier, Paris, France
2015   Competition & Exhibition, The FACE Award, Los Angeles, USA
2014   HIP Gallery D'Art, Paris, France
2014   Hotel Mercure, Cean, France
2013   The Mall Galleries, London
2012   Espace Beurepaire, Paris, France2015  Fine Art



2023 Midtjyllands Kunst Center, Gallery Habsø. DK
2022 Midtjyllands Kunst Center,
Gallery Habsø. DK

2021 Midtjyllands Kunst Center, Gallery Habsø. DK
2020 Midtjyllands Kunst Center,
Gallery Habsø. DK

2019 Midtjyllands Kunst Center, Gallery Habsø. DK
2018 Midtjyllands Kunst Center, Gallery Habsø. DK

2017  Furesø Rådhus, Stigager 2 3500 Værløse, Denmark
2016  Galleri X, Rungsted DK
2015 Galleri X, Rungsted. Juleudstilling skulptur, DK
2015  Kunst i Teltet, Hornbæk Kunstmuseum
2015  Galleri X, Rungsted. Skulpturfestival
2015  Frederiksborg Centret 'KUNST DAGE'
2014  Galleri X, Rungsted
2014  Farum Kulturhus
2014  Frederiksborg Centret 'KUNST DAGE'
2013  Galleri X, Rungsted
2012  Galleri X, Rungsted
2011  Galleri X, Rungsted
2010  Galleri X, Rungsted
2010  Farum Kulturhus